
28toZero Agritech

On-farm Emissions Reduction

28toZero reactors are able to destroy methane on-farm, reducing exposure to emissions pricing and creating potential revenue streams.

Our reactors enable farmers to lead change, meet the heightened expectations of customers and ensure the sustainable, profitable growth of farming.


Applications for Farming

Effluent Ponds

Effluent ponds can be the source of 3-9% of the total on-farm emissions of a typical dairy farm.

The 28toZero reactor can destroy the effluent pond emissions at the source with no impact on farming operations.

Barns and Shelters

By destroying the methane produced by both animals and microbes the 28toZero Reactor can significantly reduce the emissions of barns and shelters for cows, chickens, and pigs. The reactor can be deployed and operated with no change to farming practices and processes.

On-animal devices

We are working to miniatureise the 28toZero Reactor to enable economic on-animal methane destruction for both beef and dairy cattle.

This has the potential to reduce the warming potential of ruminant emissions by more than 95%.

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